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A bubble is essentially air trapped inside a material.

We don't really know if "bubble" is a word that indicates the material that it traps, the trapped air or the whole of everything.

The bubbles can be ethereal although in some cases they are capable of overcoming great challenges.

Deep down we are all a bit bubbles. We put our intentions to safety in case a breath of wind takes them away.

The bubbles claim lightness. This indicates that they lack enough weight to stay in the same place for a long time.

So "being in dance" seems to be its natural habitat.

There are many ways to signal movement. One of them is to draw concentric paths that return over and over again to the same place, always a slightly different place.

Lightness can be very forceful. There are light things covered with great depth: a whisper, a thin black line drawn on a white surface, the passage of time...

Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, recounts that the glass was discovered on the banks of the Belus River, in Phoenicia. The sand on its shores was rich in silica and of great purity, which is why it was used throughout antiquity for the production of glass.

Later the alchemist Goerg Bauer added more details to the narrative. According to him, some merchants who were heading towards Egypt to sell nitro (a compound obtained from those sands) stopped for dinner. Since there were no stones to place their pots, they decided to use some pieces of the mineral. They warmed up their food, ate and got ready to sleep. The next morning they were amazed to see that the stones had melted and reacted with the sand to produce a hard, shiny material, glass.

Size guide

A. measure the inside diameter of a ring

b. look for the equivalence between the mm. and the size